How to increase the revenue from GLAMI?

Having a great feed, and a well - implemented piXel, are the first steps for achieving good results. But there are, also, many other elements to check for improving your performance.

Each e-shop is unique, and there are many ways to maximise traffic for your e-shop. 

The basic steps you must take to improve your results are as follows: 

1) Providing a detailed XML feed that follows our guidelines

2) Having a fully implemented and working piXel

3) Providing your Delivery & Payment details

In regard to the XML feed, please pay attention to:

  • Providing detailed categories in the XML feed
  • Having professional photos (without a logo or watermark)
  • If possible, provide free shipping
  • Adding vouchers by going to "Discount codes"  and then "Add discount code" 

  • Well-set pricing